
Indoor Climbing

The Circuit


The Southwest Circuit, 1st Circuit built, was my first exposure to rock climbing. I found that it was both challenging and fun. When I visit my home in Portland, I make a point of visiting this gym.


The Northeast Circuit, 2nd Circuit built, was the largest bouldering gym in the world when it was released. I've never been a huge fan of this gym however because it's crowded and the people there smell.


The Tigard Circuit was the third, and largest of the Circuits. While it's an improvement on the Northeast, the walls are pretty high for beginners. I'll typically go this gym on my way to Eugene.

Outdoor Bouldering

Leavenworth, Washington

Cattle Guard Arete, v5

This picture was taken right before my first year in college, 2013. We had arrived a few days before our friends, and by the time they got there, it had started pouring. All in all, still a great trip.

Cattle Guard

Pimpsqueak, v9

The above picture is in a different area of Leavenworth, and was taken in early 2012. We'd been sponsored for a few months, and a couple friends decided to help us with taking pictures.


Inspiring climbers

The Initial Inspiration

Chris Sharma is the reason my brother and I got into rock climbing. In my eighth grade year, my brother saw a picture of Sharma climbing: his muscles looking strained as he yelled. Needless to say, he was inspired to check out a local climbing gym. Eventually, after I started climbing, we joined a team to compete with others in the Pacific Northwest. After almost every team practice we'd watch either King Lines or Rampage; the teaser trailer for King Lines is below. I only regret that I wasn't in Portland when he was visiting local gyms.

The Tank

Alex Puccio is really inspiring because she won the American Bouldering Series (ABS) Nationals 8 years in a row. She currently is the national champion, one of the few women to climb V13, and inspired the work ethic I brought to climbing competitions.

The Dynamic Fin

Nalle Hukkataival is a Finnish climber who's ascents of climb, such as Rainbow Rocket, has inspired me to try dynamic problems outside of my comfort zone. This inspiration culminated in my ascent of toxic, a 5.11c at Smith Rock.